Short CV

Education & Professional experience

  • 2015 – now: Technical Writer in Life Science
  • 2011 – 2014: Postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University, Sweden
  • 2006 – 2010: PhD student at University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
  • 2009: Research intern at NIH National Cancer Institute Frederick, Maryland, USA
  • 2003 – 2005: Master Medical & Pharmaceutical Drug Innovation, University of Groningen, MSc, cum laude
  • 2000 – 2003: Bachelor Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Groningen, BSc, cum laude
  • 1994 – 2000: VWO, OSG De Groene Driehoek, Hoogeveen, The Netherlands


  • KNG ’Van Swinderen’ Award for PhD thesis summary in 2011.
    For the best written Dutch summary for a non-scientific audience in a PhD thesis at the Medical Faculty and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Groningen.
    See website of University of Groningen, and an article in ’Kennis in Zicht‘ (both in Dutch).
  • Award for best poster at the annual GUIDE graduate school meeting of the University of Groningen in 2010.

Scientific publications

  • Langenkamp E, Zhang L, Lugano R, Huang H, Elhassan TE, Georganaki M, Bazzar W, Lööf J, Trendelenburg G, Essand M, Pontén F, Smits A, Dimberg A: Elevated expression of the C-type lectin CD93 in the glioblastoma vasculature regulates cytoskeletal rearrangements that enhance vessel function and reduce host survival. Cancer Research 2015; 75: 4504-4516.
  • Huang H, Langenkamp E, Georganaki M, Loskog A, Fredlund Fuchs P, Dieterich LC, Kreuger J, Dimberg A: VEGF suppresses T-lymphocyte infiltration in the tumor microenvironment through inhibition of NF-kappaB-induced endothelial activation. FASEB Journal 2015, 29: 227-238.
  • Langenkamp E, Kamps JA, Mrug M, Verpoorte E, Niyaz Y, Horvatovich P, Bischoff R, Struijker-Boudier H, Molema G: Innovations in studying in vivo cell behavior and pharmacology in complex tissues – microvascular endothelial cells in the spotlight. Cell Tissue Research 2013; 354: 647-669.
  • Dieterich LC, Mellberg S, Langenkamp E, Zhang L, Zieba A, Salomäki H, et al.: Transcriptional profiling of human glioblastoma vessels indicates a key role of VEGF-A and TGFβ2 in vascular abnormalization. Journal of Pathology 2012; 228: 378-390.
  • Langenkamp E, Zwiers PJ, Moorlag HE, Leenders WP, St.Croix B and Molema G: VEGFR2 inhibition in vivo affects tumor vasculature in a tumor type-dependent way and downregulates VEGFR2 protein without a prominent role of microRNA-296. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2012; 23: 161-172.
  • Langenkamp E, vom Hagen F, Zwiers PJ, Moorlag HE, Schouten JP, Hammes HP, Gouw AS, Molema G: Tumor vascular morphology undergoes dramatic changes during outgrowth of B16 melanoma while proangiogenic gene expression remains unchanged. ISRN Oncology 2011; 409308.
  • Langenkamp E and Molema G: Microvascular endothelial cell heterogeneity: General concepts and pharmacological consequences for antiangiogenic therapy. Cell Tissue Res 2009; 335: 205-222.
  • Hellebrekers DM, Melotte V, Viré E, Langenkamp E, Molema G, Fuks F, Herman JG, van Criekinge W, Griffioen AW, van Engeland M: Identification of epigenetically silenced genes in tumor endothelial cells. Cancer Res 2007; 67: 4138-4148.


  • Dutch: Native language
  • English: Fluent both oral and in writing
  • Swedish: Fluent both oral and in writing
    Certificate TISUS test i svenska för universitetstudier, 2013
  • Spanish: Basic knowledge
    Three months Spanish language course in Salamanca & Granada, Spain, 2005
  • German: Basic knowledge
    Studied German at high school, 1995-2000
  • French: Very basic knowledge
    Studied French at high school, 1994-1998